"The criminal justice system has become an institution--like the education system--that both reflects systemic and institutional racism and exacerbates existing inequities."
Livestream of the April 24, 2017 Boston symposium (EVENT FLYER)
The Lancet Series
America: Equity and Equality in Health
Below are the articles and authors who will be discussing them during the symposium:
The Affordable Care Act: Implications for Healthcare Equity – Adam Gaffney, M.D., Instructor in Medicine, HMS; pulmonary and critical care physician, Cambridge Health Alliance.
Inequality and the US Health Care System – Samuel L. Dickman, M.D., Intern, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
Population Health in an Era of Rising Income Inequality: United States, 1980-2015 – Jacob Bor, ScD, SM, Assistant Professor and Peter T. Paul Career Development Professor in the Department of Global Health, Boston University
Mass Incarceration, Public Health and Widening Inequality in the US – Christopher Wildeman, PhD, Associate Professor of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
Structural racism and health inequities: evidence and interventions – Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H., Commissioner, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
"The USA is the world leader in incarceration, which disproportionately affects black populations."

"...rapid, profound, and deepening effects of income inequality that have produced notable decrements in mortality and life expectancy in the USA in just a matter of decades."