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CHE Cook County Supports Fight For $15

Lucha por $15 & Union Rights

22nd St & York Rd. Oakbrook IL
CHE Cook County Team
Getting ready to march
Fight for 15 March to McDonald's HQ
Rain or Shine, we're here to fight.
McDonald's Workers

CHE Cook County joins thousands of fast food workers and allies from across the world calling for a $15 minimum wage, Union rights, and and end to sub-minimum wage or "tipped-wage."

$15 Minimum Wage Saves Lives!

…is a health equity fight!

…is a public health issue.

“A $15 minimum wage could have averted 2800 to 5500 premature deaths between 2008 and 2012 in New York City, representing 4% to 8% of total premature deaths in that period. Most of these avertable deaths would be realized in lower-income communities, in which residents are predominantly people of color. A higher minimum wage may have substantial positive effects on health and should be considered as an instrument to address health disparities.”

SOURCE: Tsao (2016) Estimating potential reductions in premature mortality in New York City from raising the minimum wage to $15. American Journal of Public Health, 106(6), 1036-41.  


Poverty and income inequality increase infant mortality-- the chance that a baby will die before their first birthday (Williams & Rosenstock 2015)

52% of fast food workers, 48% of home care workers, 46% of childcare workers, and 25% of part-time college faculty rely on public assistance to feed their families and make ends meet (Jacobs, etal 2015)

A wage increase would decrease the risk of premature death by 5% for adults ages 24 to 44 living in households with an income of about $20,000. (Bhatia 2001)

CHE Cook County


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